AGS 0000
Photo credit: AGS Laboratories

Fireworks Oval

In the pursuit of maximum light performance, Fireworks Diamonds® Ovals have zero to minimal bow-tie effect while executing Excellent Polish & Symmetry!

1.50 carat ~



Fireworks Oval

- Consistent Ideal Ratio

- Minimal to No Bow-tie/Superior Appearance

- Noticeably Larger/Brighter/Whiter!

- Exceptional Light Performance & Fire / Proven   Brightest!

- Cut from fine transparent natural rough

- Strict QC after cutting

- Perfect Polish & Perfect Symmetry ALWAYS!

- Cut for everlasting beauty

1.50 carat ~



Generic Oval

- Distorted Ratio

- Medium to large noticeable bow tie (dark  fields) / inferior appearance

- Noticeably smaller & darker

- No Light Performance measure

- Cut from random assortment of rough /cut for   weight retention

- No standards of QC (i.e. loosely graded)

- Performance compromised/ Heavy light   leakage